Aldredge - Bearden
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Aldredge of Peachtree City announce the marriage of their daughter, Amanda Nicole Aldredge, to David Wayne Bearden, son of Claire and Rick Bearden of Richardson, Texas.
The wedding was June 4, 2000, at Peachtree Christian Fellowship on Ga. Hwy. 54 in Peachtree City.
The Rev. Mark Baldwin performed the ceremony.
Special music was provided by Talia Aull, Natalie Thomas and Steve Honer.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Baci Italian Restaurant in Fayetteville.
Live music was performed by the local jazz band, “The Double Daddy Trio.”
Guests included grandparents of the bride, Ray and Donna Aldredge of Fayetteville, and Don and Maxine Jardis of Jackson, and great-grandmother of the bride, Naomi Tatum Goodwin of Union City.
The couple honeymooned in Savannah.
Both the bride and the groom are students at Clayton College and State University, where they are majoring in humanities.
They are planning a future in missions.