Obituaries by location
Juan Fisher and Beau-Jean Cummings
Beau-Jean Cummings and Juan Fisher to wed August 31 [2007] in Las Vegas
Beau-Jean M. Cummings, the daughter of Charles N. and Evelyn R. Cummings of Holly Springs is scheduled to wed Juan Fisher of Parson, Tenn.
Beau-Jean is a 1991 graduate of Holly Springs High School. She received her nursing degree from Northwest MS Community College and a BA degree from the University of Mississippi.
Juan Fisher is a graduate of Riverside High School in Parson, Tenn. He is the son of superintendent Joseph Fisher and missionary Calla Fisher of Parson, Tenn.
Juan received his BA degree in criminal justice from the University and is currently pursuing a master’s of education at the University of Memphis.
Both Juan and Beau-Jean are currently teachers at the Shelby Training Center in Memphis.
The couple will marry and spend their honeymoon in Las Vegas, Nev., Aug. 31.