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Rosemore - Mittleider
Terri L. Rosemore and LeRoy B. Mittleider, both Eldridge, N.D., announce their engagement and forthcoming marriage.
Parents of the couple are Gene and Judy Rosemore, Eldridge, and Edmund and Edith Mittleider, Sykeston, N.D.
Rosemore is a 1991 graduate of Jamestown High School and a 1997 graduate of Utah College of Massage Therapy, Salt Lake City.
She is a massage therapist with an office in Jamestown, and a life skills trainer at Anne Carlsen Center for Children, Jamestown.
Mittleider is a 1991 graduate of Sykeston High School and a 1995 graduate of Jamestown College.
He is employed by James River Correctional Center, Jamestown, as a correctional officer.
An Aug. 26, 2000 wedding is planned at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Jamestown.