Obituaries by location
Roesler - Divis
Tami Roesler and Marty Divis, both of Sioux City, Iowa, are engaged to be married Aug. 16, 1997, at St. Cryil and Methodious Catholic Church in Clarkson.
The bride - to - be is the daughter of Noma Roesler of Blair and Raymond Roesler of Miles City, Mont.
She graduated from Blair High School in 1992. She earned a bachelor's degree from Wayne State College in human services counseling in 1996.
She is a counselor at the Boys and Girls Home in South Sioux City.
The prospective bridegroom is the son of Martin and Theresa Divis of Clarkson.
He graduated from Clarkson High School in 1989.
He earned a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from Wayne State College in 1995.
He is the K - 9 police officer in Sioux City.